The start of our Virtual Reality Journey

Published: 25th Feb

We are really excited to have started the first project of our young people’s programme in 2021 with students from Riverside College Widnes & Runcorn , engineers from the Danny and Virtual Reality designers Scenegraph Studios. The students will be part of a project team creating a virtual reality (VR) experience for both public enjoyment and student and volunteer training on board our historic steamboat. Today’s session was focussed on how virtual reality applications are used across different sectors, how students can apply skills they’ve started learning at college to the creation of the project and what career paths and training and employment opportunities there are in the region.
Next week, the students will be taken from 21st century engineering way back to the beginning of the 20th century, as the Danny engineers turn to explain the working of the Danny and the role of her crew. The students will be invited to work with us to identify what processes we will harness into interactive virtual reality scenarios. The students have really enjoyed the first session, and we are delighted to have them on board, and looking forward to seeing what they create with Scenegraph Studios
Dave Tully from Scenegraph Studios said; "We loved presenting a short introduction into the work at Scenegraph Studios to the students and the staff of the Danny, discussing Virtual Reality and Immersive technologies. We were over the moon the students took so much interest into the collaboration project between The Daniel Adamson and Scenegraph Studios, especially with the students offering up their skills to give a helping hand in the Virtual Reality design process, as well their CAD skills to create 3D models to be integrated into the experiences."
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